Monday, August 28, 2006

Oh yes, I miss Delhi!

I miss the fun, my friends, PVR hangouts, nice drives and just chilling in Delhi. I have been in Bangalore for 4 months now and I have learnt that:
- 4th gear is not meant to be used
- the traffic cop will ask for bribe, even if you have not broken any rule and that you have paid the road tax for your non Karnataka license plate!
- the traffic cop will get irritated if you cannot answer back in Kannada
- the only place to hangout is the Brigade road (never mind if it too small)
- you cannot spot a McDonalds in Bangalore (yeah yeah there is one in forum)
- there can be traffic junctions on a narrow and small flyover (Richmond circle)
- every junction is called a circle
- leftooo may actually mean right
- small narrow by lanes or service roads can be one ways
- you can park your anywhere!
- the true measure of distance is not KM but hours!

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